Home Technology What is the process of managing records?
What is the process of managing records?

What is the process of managing records?

by Reddy Prasad (Admin)

From creation to disposition, record management systems, also called electronic records management, manage records efficiently and systematically. 

Increasing amounts of information are coming into organizations from a variety of sources and in a variety of formats, including paper files, emails, digital documents, pictures, audio recordings, and videos. When records management teams identify the information to be retained as records, the growing volume of records can quickly become overwhelming if no system is in place to handle it.

When selecting an electronic records management solution, what should you consider?

Organizations increasingly use digital solutions to improve processes, so it’s imperative to consider whether the solution matches your unique requirements and whether it can be expanded as your organization evolves. You can ask yourself the following questions to determine whether you need to implement a new records management system or upgrade your current one:

  • Does your staff spend too much time waiting for files to arrive or searching through poorly organized databases?
  • Ever had records disposed of or destroyed prematurely without your authorization?
  • Does the office have too much paper? Are there too many filing cabinets?
  • Do you have demotivated employees due to paperwork and cramped working conditions?
  • Does the company have a policy that defines what information should be recorded and how it will be organized and maintained?
  • What security and privacy measures are in place to protect records? Can any employee access the records regardless of the level of classification?
  • For the duration of their retention, do paper documents keep their original condition in the environment in which they are stored?
  • How does your existing records management system perform and what are its limitations?
  • Do you have a records management system that can protect your information against disasters, and can it be recovered easily?
  • Has the organization ever received 

Based on your responses, you can determine what is lacking in your current records management process and what you should look for when researching software and functions.

Automated records management systems offer several benefits

Choosing an automated records management system will transform your records management process. Hyland simplifies the management of information through capabilities such as document storage, archiving, and physical records management.  From creation to destruction, management of all records

  • From creation to destruction, management of all records
  • Managing digital and physical records through a single system
  • Enhance consistency and precision by automating tasks such as declarations, approvals, holds, retention, and disposal
  • Ensure that records are disposed of in accordance with schedules or after receiving the necessary authorizations
  • Access to information instantly and the ability to verify its accuracy
  • Maintaining records in accordance with government regulations and your organization’s retention policies
  • Records can be automatically destroyed, reducing storage space requirements and processing costs
  • Maximizing employee time so they can focus on more beneficial business activities
  • Certificates of destruction issued by the chain of custody.

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